#198 Quietly Disrupting and Introverted Activism

When I did my last brand photoshoot four years ago, my goal was images that helped me look professional and pulled together on my website. 

In many ways, I was trying to look “pretty” without really realizing that’s what I was doing. 

I wanted my visual brand to align with how I showed up, which at the time was fairly polished. I was public speaking and attending events regularly, wearing fitted dresses in jewel tones. 

So that’s where my photos went. 

Beyond creating a visual connection with my audience, I didn’t think critically about how my photos could represent my values. Or how they could forward the same oppressive systems I wanted to dismantle. 

This new photoshoot, there was a deeper analysis. 

I asked myself, does this tell the story of my work? I wrote the mythology of my lineage. I investigated the symbology behind my work. (hat tip to Wilder Ones for helping piece this together) 

I approached it with discernment, examining how I wanted to add to the collective media, where the line crossed over into oppressive business as usual and perpetuated the white beauty ideal that positions those of us with this privilege as trustable, credible people to buy from. (h/t Kelly Diels)

(Making anyone who looks different than white, young, pretty, able-bodied, middle class, straight-sized and femme inherently NOT positioned in their photos.)

I remembered what a mentor said years back about traditional “feminine” poses that collapse inwards, everything geared towards making ourselves smaller. 

I explored what felt expansive, open and in my power.

I gathered props that were nods to my Ukrainian heritage, pulled in pieces from my home ancestral altar. 

I painted my nails dark. Found footing on solid ground. Sunk my bare toes in the mud. Hired a photographer who led with artistic expression rather than brand or business. 

I thought of how I truly wanted people to feel looking at my photos. A sense of intimacy and like quiet can be powerful

And somewhere along the way, I realized that this was an act of introverted activism. 

It’s not loud, it’s not shouting on a loudspeaker at a protest or posting a polarizing opinion on social media.

But it IS activism. 

Enter today’s episode. 

Co-host Kat Frogosa and I talk about:

  • How most of what we think of as activism is extroverted 

  • The ways introverts are NEEDED in activism

  • Ways we each approach introverted activism

And in case the word “activism” has you thinking this isn’t for you, let me remind you that as a Quiet Messenger, you’re an activist. 

You are speaking on behalf of a message that needs to get heard. 

So we’re (imperfectly) answering what I often hear quiet leaders asking, “How do I show up for my values in a way that doesn’t require getting louder?”

Because you CAN quietly show up for your values…and the truth is that introverts can be just as effective (and sometimes MORE) as loud, outspoken folks. 


let’s connect!

Connect with Adria | Connect with Kat


Links from the episode: 


#199 The Highly Sensitive ADHDer - Neurodivergence in Quiet Leaders


#197 Co-Creating, Body-Doubling & Not Holding Your Work Alone