#208 Don’t Underestimate the Power of Quiet Leaders with Ashley Looker

When we assume quiet leaders are small & powerless, we take away their power. OUR power. 

We have a tendency to underestimate quiet leaders. Or we assume anyone successful ISN’T a quiet leader.

But when we recognize that there’s strength in stillness, that there’s a grounded impact inherent in slow…When we begin to look at quiet leaders as stealth warriors, we restore dignity to quiet leadership.

This hit home for me when my friend Ashley Looker said she wanted to come to my Gathering of Quiet Leaders. As an Empowerment Coach, Mindfulness Teacher and Journaling Expert for ambitious over-achieving humans, Ashley’s got 11,000+ followers for each of her biz and podcast accounts on IG. Her voice is definitely getting heard, and she’s no beginner.

Listen to our co-hosted convo to reorient and peel away layers of internalized bias. AND if you’ve got a more mature business and want to be in the company of other established quiet leaders!

Ashley & I share:

  • How our relationships with our voices have evolved over the past several years

  • Who we’re taught to be as business owners & disrupting the expectation to be loud and showy

  • How we are each doing things differently than we were taught

  • Why she hadn’t thought of herself as a quiet leader until now and what shifted

Mentioned in This Episode:


p.s. You’ll hear me briefly mention the Rooted Collective. I’ll be sharing more about it in October!


#207 Soulful Creating & Transmitting the Energy of an Offering