Being quiet doesn’t make your words any less

potent & powerful

You don’t have to get louder,
you just have to be clearer.

A love note

to the introverted activists, the quiet creators, the soulful rebels, the sensitive humans…

You can change the world without changing who you are.

I know you have so much to say, even if you’re sometimes shy in public. 

As a slow processor and deep feeler, you might need to simmer on your ideas before bringing them out into the light. 

We are used to being in spaces where the people who are the loudest and fastest get the most support or recognition. 

If you’re fed up with the traditional norms around leadership and ready to explore different ways of expressing yourself and sharing your voice with the world, you’re in the right place.


Where to Start:

I’m Adria Sophia

(she/her), shy TEDx speaker, neurodivergent podcaster, great-granddaughter of Sophie & Antonia and mentor to quiet leaders.

I’ve spent the past decade honing what it means to be a quiet leader and helped hundreds of sensitive, introverted coaches and mission-driven business owners do the same.

I’ll help you use your voice to say the things that matter, show up as more of yourself in your work and craft messaging that (lovingly) calls in your people…and your next level of impact.

I’m currently exploring doing business differently and weaving new ways of working behind the scenes.

Stay tuned!

What I believe to be true about being a human in this world:

We need the Quiet Messengers.


In order to stay the course for the challenges our planet faces, we need more introverted leaders who are slow, thoughtful, sensitive and empathic.

We can show up as who we are and still be leaders.


We can create change without having to fit into a mold of what has made others successful. 

Alchemy takes place in community.


When we gather together in a container that upholds the voices of the sensitive ones, the slow ones, the deeper processors, we can be witnessed as our full selves, find the courage to share and practice stepping into our role as leaders.

And also…

We are supported by all
who have come before us.

There is power in connecting with our lineage, whether through food, land, familiarizing ourselves with our family tree, making offerings, or engaging in ritual.

Ancestral connection helps us feel something beyond ourselves - something that many of us lose living on borrowed land. It helps us feel supported so we can anchor into our own depth and cultivate the courage to speak our truth.

If you have ancestors, you have women in your lineage who were Quiet Leaders.

That’s how women moved in the world for hundreds of generations. Supporting people, showing up for and inspiring their community, caring for other people’s children. And historically, it was often the neurodivergent folks who were the truth tellers, the shamans, the wisdom keepers. 

Capitalism hid these women and neurodivergent folks away, and patriarchy disempowered them.

My work is about reclamation.

Of the leadership of our female ancestors.

Of the neurodivergent truth teller.

Of the healing woman as a pillar of the community.

quiet leadership

Quiet Leadership calls us to take responsibility for our piece of the world. It calls us to deeper relationships.

More community, less hierarchy.
More care, less transaction. 

Our world needs greater representation in the voices we hear. We NEED the stories of folks whose identities have historically been left of out of the narrative — black, brown, indigenous, fat, old, gay, trans, queer, disabled, shy, neurodivergent and everyone else who’s ever been in the margins. 

Supporting Quiet Leaders is my place in this bigger work.
(And also, intersectionality exists!)

These are my words.

Now what are yours?