#51 A Life Coach Goes from Hard-to-Explain to Clear & Compelling With Christi Daniels

Read the transcript nowYou know those life coaches whose work is intangible and hard to explain and find it challenging to communicate what they do in a concrete and easy to understand way? (Ahem... sound familiar?)

Well Christi Daniels used to get a lot of blank stares when she talked about what she did. Nobody got or valued it until after they had worked with her.

And even worse, this lack of clarity led to procrastination and inaction on what she knew she needed to do to take her business from side-hustle to supporting her full-time.The beautiful thing is that once she gained that communication clarity, it led to ease in putting together sales pages, optin bonuses, blog posts, and workshops that are aligned. Listen in to hear alllll about it!


  • My Be Unforgettable Bootcamp is open for enrollment! If you're ready to clearly communicate the value in what you do and go from your clients' best kept secret to unforgettable, find out more here.

In today's episode, you'll learn:

  • Why it keeps your business small when only other coaches understand what you’re saying 
  • How she bridged the woo-woo feminine life coaching side of herself with her masculine techy corporate side to bring a solid description to what she does
  • Why clarity in communicating about herself and her business led to feeling more confident and relaxed sharing what she does - and let her really connect in an authentic way with people as an introvert
  • Why talking through her thoughts with a coach that can reflect back key insights from what she’s saying helped her find her voice and be more confident and clear about what she wanted to share 

Links from the Episode:

Episode Insights:

"You can picture me standing. On one shoulder I have a deep desire to serve women and to see them strip back these layers of conditioning from society, just get back to who they’re really meant to be. On the other shoulder this big chunk of fear. Fear of being visible. It’s almost as if I’ve been playing a hide-and-seek game. I definitely have the desire to serve, the skills, the tools, the programs. I’ve really been holding myself back in a number of different ways. Partly fear of being seen. Partly not having the words to really articulate what it is I do." - Christi Daniels"The message has turned into that solid base. I can go out and have a conversation with a potential client and have that home base to pull from or refer back to. I can write a blog post and refer back to that core message. I can do a presentation and come back to that core message. It’s the rhythm or drumbeat... It’s this constant that's really helping me to improvise in different ways." - Christi Daniels"I feel like I was compartmentalizing myself so I would show up as this woo, feminine, getting in touch with your inner wisdom person with my mentoring. Then in the other, VA, business then I would show up as my techy person and the two wouldn’t come together. I think that’s one hold on from my corporate days. That’s one thing that you’ve helped me do is pull more of that masculine in to help give it that solid description. Something for people to hear and to grip to. Also, helping me see to give myself permission to show up fully with both sides of myself and express it fully." - Christi Daniels"Take a risk. Share your thoughts, your ideas. Find someone you can trust to process your business with. To process your message with. If it’s something that is holding you back... It may seem scary, but I guarantee you it’s going to be worth it, when you emerge from the other side with confidence and clarity and the missing ingredients for your business." - Christi Daniels


Warmth,Adria first name  P.S. Next week, we’ll shift gears to talk about the discomfort many of us feel when we put our ideas out there and get visible. 


Adria at deskHi!  I'M ADRIA DECORTE, M.S., Clarity Coach

Drawing on my design and strategic background as an architect turned ecologist turned health coach, I help coaches and mission-driven entrepreneurs convert clients by aligning their core message so they become unforgettable and their potential clients understand exactly how they’re going to help them and are excited to work with them.


Sign up here to discover the compelling way to talk about what you *really* do to eliminate competition and convert clients.


#52 Overcome Fear in Front of the Camera to Connect with Your Ideal Clients with Linda Ugelow


#50 Why Over-Communicating & Word Clutter Kill Sales