#45 New Name & Why it's Vital to Clarify Your Message Before Marketing

I’m so excited to bring you season 3 of the podcast. And with that comes a new focus... and a new name... THE UNFORGETTABLE PODCAST.

Listen to this brand new episode to hear all about why being unforgettable (and converting clients) comes from the steps you take to gain clarity on your message before marketing.

And why slowing down may be what you need to gain traction in 2017.


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Episode Synopsis:

You're a smart woman. When you started your business, you dove into research and spent the first year or two following marketing best practices and scrambling to blog regularly, send out a newsletter, post to your Facebook page, and figure out webinars.And yet... crickets.I'm seeing a recurring pattern in clients who come to me. Women just like you who feel frantic to figure out the right marketing tactic that will help them finally grow their tribe and get clients.And it's much easier to rush ahead and drop dollars into marketing or to think that hiring a copywriter is the solution.The problem with that thinking is that all that money and time invested will be wasted if you don't first lay the foundation of why what you do matters and clarify what you *really* do in a compelling way.

What to Expect from the Unforgettable Podcast:

You can still access all 44 episodes of Feed Your Hustle. Managing energy is still very important to the work I do. I'm just expanding on the conversation to use my gift for clarity to help you burnout proof your business from a different angle.I created Unforgettable for you if you struggle to talk about what you do in a clear, compelling way or are frozen in place because you don’t know which niche to choose. Through weekly episodes, I will help you lay the foundation of your brand so you know what to say to convert potential clients in discovery calls, what content to create, and what words to use when you promote yourself. You’ll get practical guidance from me and interviews with my favorite experts as well as hotseats where you get to listen in on me coaching other biz owners and case studies so you can hear how other business owners have implemented and succeeded.Here's to our continued journey together!Adria first name P.S. I’m back with a new episode next week, sharing my favorite expert - my coach and dear friend who helped me gain the level of message clarity that got me ready for a TEDx talk! 


Adria at deskHi!  I'M ADRIA DECORTE, M.S., Clarity Coach

Drawing on my design and strategist background in architecture and as an ecologist, I help female coaches, creatives, and biz owners uncover what sets them apart, get clear on their value, and find the words to eliminate competition and convert ideal clients


Sign up here to discover the compelling way to talk about what you *really* do to eliminate competition and convert clients.


#46 Find the Idea You Want to Be Known For with Alexia Vernon


#44 Are You Really Stuck or Is it Fear of Being Seen? with Marcie Mauro