#110 Shifting Your Energy for Clients When You’re in a Funk

If you want to grow your coaching business… you’re going to be working with clients. On scheduled calls. And you can’t predict ahead of time how you’ll feel on those days.

What I’ve learned to do over time to show up as the powerful coach I am, do my work, and support my people, is shift my energy.

Which is why I want to talk about the art of the pivot.

Even if I’ve had a shitty day or am coming from a challenging client call (like we talked about last week), I trust myself to shift my energy for client sessions.

In this episode we talk all about continuing to show up for your people so you can keep spreading your message. Listen in.

Deeper support from me:

  • 1-1 Coaching + Messaging is for coaches looking to get clear on what you really do, communicate it, and weave it into marketing that lights you up. In between sessions, I’ll personally shape & hone your marketing copy. 2 spots left.
  • Follow me on Instagram for behind-the-scenes and deeper stories around this conversation.

My Energy-Shifting Go-Tos

  • Playlist - (“This is Me” - from the Greatest Showman, “Rise” - Katie Perry, “Girl on Fire” - Alicia Keys, “Brave” - Sara Bareilles, “Rise Up” - Andra Day)
  • Expansive body language
  • Dance it out
  • Take a bath
  • Journal (e.g. why you’re amazing and times this has worked before)

Links From the Episode


Hi! I'M ADRIA DECORTE, M.S., Message Clarity Coach

Drawing on my experience as a TEDx speaker and my architecture background, I help women coaches uncover the marketing message that lights them up AND communicates the value in their work so they can reach more people, scale their business, and start a movement.


Sign up here to get access to the FREE Message Clarity Kit: a 5-step roadmap to uncover your true message.


#111 Why Niching Down Helps You Show Up Authentically


#109 Standing in Your Power with Clients