#12 Feed Your Relationship with Author Susie Miller

Do you ever feel like your husband has become simply a roommate? Or your relationship is more of a business partnership? Does your spouse complain that you care more about your business than him?Today I chat with Susie Miller, a relationship coach for entrepreneurs, about how relationships are an essential form of self care, starting with your relationship with yourself and then radiating outwards to your marriage and family.

Susie and I talk about how to prevent your marriage from becoming a business partnership, the three self-care acts she used to feed hustle during her book launch, and what you need to know as a woman to turn off your business brain at the end of the day and be fully present in your relationships.

Susie Miller, known internationally as the Better Relationship Coach, is an author, speaker, and coach. She is dedicated to helping you create better relationships in 30 days or less! For over 20 years, she has helped people reduce stress, improve communication, increase intimacy, and create meaningful relationships through tried and true methods for long lasting results. Susie is the author of Listen, Learn, Love: How to Dramatically Improve Your Relationships in 30 Days or Less! Susie has been married to her best friend, John, a lifelong entrepreneur, for 32 years and has three grown children.

This conversation came at a critical time in my life as I prioritize my own relationship and make sure that when I look up from all this hustle a couple of years down the road, my marriage hasn’t faded away.

“When we take time to invest in our relationships, we are better as our whole best selves.” - Susie Miller

In today's episode, you'll learn:

  • The biggest challenge female entrepreneurs and “entre-spouses” face with keeping their marriage or relationship from becoming a business partnership
  • Immediately applicable tweaks that will take you from roommates to romance
  • The small psychological differences between men and women and how it could be sabotaging your feeling of connectedness to your partner (AND your sex life!)
  • What it looks like to “be a wiser hare” rather than trying to fit the mold of the steady tortoise
  • Why participating in a community (like the Feed Your Hustle Facebook group!) of like-minded entrepreneurs dealing with the same balancing act issues as you IS essential self care
  • The revolutionary self care she indulged in during the hustle towards her new book that resulted in a surge of energy
  • How to train yourself to turn down rather than turn off your work brain - and not let being “all in” with your business overrun your relationship
  • The three specific and critical healthy habits she implemented during her book launch to feed her hustle (in a Balance Not Perfection way)

Mentioned in this episode:

What are you going to do to prioritize and strengthen your relationship (with yourself OR your spouse) this week?

Go ahead and share in the comments because I want to know!

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As an Architect turned Plant Scientist turned Healthy Living Strategist, I help female entrepreneurs who don't want to choose health over hustle make healthy living part of their business plan.    


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#13 How to Stay Healthy When Traveling for a Conference


#11 How I Recharge & Integrate Fitness into My Business