#15 My TEDx Talk Self-Care & What I Ate

Today, I’m going to take you behind the scenes of how I took care of myself the week leading up to my TEDx Talk, a huge pivotal event in my life.

So often when we have a big launch, speaking gig or other major event coming up, we somehow stop taking care of ourselves right at the moment we need it most... The moment we need to feed our hustle.

I’m not saying I did a perfect job (because you know I’m about balance not perfection), but I want to be transparent and share with you what emotions and challenges came up for me and how I consciously fed my hustle with food and self care during what has been one of the most MAJOR events in my business.

If you’re curious about the behind the scenes of a TEDx talk, you’ll like this episode. But it’s also for you if your personal life tends to fall apart and you feel out of control every time you have a launch or major event.

"It was time to share my idea worth spreading, to be the conduit for the Feed Your Hustle Movement, and I was ready." - Adria DeCorte

In today's episode, you'll learn:

  • How I used self-care to avoid over-obsessing about my talk in the week leading up to TEDx
  • The process I followed from auditioning to taking the stage (great if you've ever thought about doing one yourself)
  • A run-down of every single thing I ate the day of my talk to keep me grounded, energized, and in my power 
  • What I did to move through the waves of panic I felt the 48 hours before I took the stage
  • The simple eating shift that calmed my nerves the week of my talk and gave me the power to get visible

Mentioned in this episode:

Now your turn.

Have you ever thought about taking the TEDx stage? What is your idea worth spreading?

Go ahead and share in the comments because I want to know!

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As an Architect turned Plant Scientist turned Healthy Living Strategist, I help female entrepreneurs who don't want to choose health over hustle make healthy living part of their business plan.


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#16 Being Daring, Sleep, & Jazzercise with Fireball Marcie Mauro


#14 Intuition for Your Business with Psychic Licia Morelli