#193 Message Clarity Keys for Quiet Messengers to Be Heard

This episode might seem to contradict the last. I said message clarity isn’t everything, and that what we really need is an ongoing messaging practice. 

That’s still true. 

But also, message clarity is the foundation that messaging practice is built on. 

That’s why I structure my Masterminds for Quiet Messengers with core content to keep generating new layers of message clarity + coaching calls to build your messaging practice on that clarity. 

So in this episode, we’ll focus on four keys to bring forward message clarity so you can be heard by the people you’re here to help…without needing to shout

And my advice isn’t as “do this” or cookie cutter as you’d think. 

It’s not about following a formula for conversion to “get clients.” It’s about being a Messenger. 
Which, yes, leads to clients, but through genuine connection and resonance with your people.

Listen in.

Deeper support from me:

  • Join us in the upcoming free Message Clarity Challenge here. We start November 15th! 

  • The next cohort of the Messenger Mastermind is enrolling! It’s an intimate circle of sensitive, introverted women leaders who like cozy spaces for connection, growth and processing and who want to feel solid, confident & consistent in their messaging so they can grow a movement that matters ~ both to the world and to their business’ bottom line.



#194 Your Invite to the Quiet Messenger Mastermind


#192 Why Message Clarity ISN’T the End Goal