#22 Lifestyle First with Former News Anchor Nina Radetich

Today I talk with former news anchorwoman Nina Radetich who left a star-powered career for the lifestyle freedom to put her new family first as an entrepreneur.

We talk about making time for self-care by using systems and a VA for social media, how she went from triathalon training to no time for fitness after taking the leap and how she found her way back, the temptation to immediately start working upon waking up, and her challenges to feed her hustle when she craves sugar and grazes through the day.

For almost two decades, Nina Radetich was one of the most recognizable local television anchors in Las Vegas on both the NBC and ABC evening broadcasts. From her post on the anchor desk, Nina recognized that local news consumption was changing. More people were getting their news online and their headlines from Twitter. In her final years as a journalist, Nina immersed herself in this new media to learn how it's reshaping business, political, and personal communication.After getting married in 2010 and having her first child 9 months later, Nina realized it was time to make an important choice for her family. So she left the TV news business to start her own company, Nina Radetich New Media Strategies. Now she works with businesses and individuals navigating the complex world of social media with a specific focus on video marketing. Nina helps clients reach and engage potential customers on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and more. She shares the latest trends in social media on her blog at http://ninaradetich.com/.

I met Nina through the local female entrepreneur circle here in Vegas, and we keep popping up at the same events. From even before we had met in person, I already adored her - she’s warm, generous, and real. I definitely see some coworking dates in our future.

"My priority is lifestyle first, business second." - Nina Radetich

In today's episode, you'll learn:

  • Why she quit a job that she loved in order to pursue her dream of entrepreneurship
  • The hard lessons she learned about healthy living during the first two years of having her business (and what she does now to schedule time for self care)
  • What she did to revamp her morning routine to avoid working the second she gets out of bed and to make space for gratitude, visualization, coffee and exercise
  • Why she finds self care harder now than when she was working in television news (and how she’s creating a routine to make it easier)
  • How she overcame the “overachiever syndrome” and discovered why it’s worth it to find time for movement (whether it’s for an hour and a half or just a half an hour)
  • How she built her own treadmill desk for $17!

Mentioned in this episode:

How are you scheduling time for self care this week?

Share in the comments because I want to know!

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As an Architect turned Plant Scientist turned Healthy Living Strategist, I help female entrepreneurs who don't want to choose health over hustle make healthy living part of their business plan.    


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#23 Run Live Workshops without Overwhelm with Alexia Vernon


#21 Location Independence: 5 Healthy Habits