#84 How to Know if It’s Time to Pivot

For months before making my recent pivot in my own messaging, I felt an incongruence in what I was saying and how I was helping people.That’s not to say I didn't LOVE my clients.But I felt this need to be more in my heart. Felt like when I spoke on stages, I was no longer moving people.And one of the outcomes of this knowingness that something needed to shift was me blocking new clients from signing up. Which is no bueno when running a real business.

In this episode, I’ll share with you how to know if it’s time to pivot your message or niche so you don’t remain stuck in limbo.


  • I have two spots in June for a 1-1 Message Clarity VIP Day. This is for you if you’re ready to uncover the next evolution of your message as you pivot your business or step into using your voice to change lives.
  • Get Clear, Get Clients is here. It’s my signature course to build the foundation that lets you attract clients instead of constantly chasing them. Once you complete it, you’ll be so clear on what you do that talking about it will feel easy, exciting, and impactful.

Warmth,AdriaP.S. Next week, I’m sharing the key to getting clarity when you’re pivoting.

Hi! I'M ADRIA DECORTE, M.S., Clarity Coach

Drawing on my experience as a TEDx speaker and my architecture background, I help women coaches uncover the next evolution of their brand message so they can use their voice and share their truth to change lives.


Sign up here to discover how you may be stopping potential clients from saying "yes!"


#85 The Key to Getting Clarity When You’re Pivoting


#83 My Brand Message is Evolving - Here’s How