#20 Feed Your Freedom with Eco Vegan Gal Whitney Lauritsen

Today I talk with Whitney Lauritsen, the Eco Vegan Gal, about what a vegan foodie entrepreneur eats on workdays and how she keeps a free-flowing schedule that shifts daily based on how she feels.

Whitney Lauritsen is an online content creator who uses video, social media and digital products to raise awareness about how to make healthy eating choices, develop a planet-friendly lifestyle and live life to the fullest.In addition to running Eco-Vegan Gal, Whitney consults and mentors entrepreneurs on social media, website building and brand building. She's taught classes for BlogHer Food and Rouxbe, spoken on panels for Fitness Magazine and Blog Well Summit, been interviewed for magazines (Laika Magazine) books (Vegan Business Book) and websites (highimpactblogging.com).

For me, who started out in the online world as a vegan blogger, she has a shiny celeb status.

But turns out she’s an incredibly warm, real person with practical doable advice around not just food but entrepreneurship as well.

“Wake up and say, ‘I can do whatever I want today,’ and make it happen.” - Whitney Lauritsen

In today's episode, you'll learn:

  • Why food challenges are just about strategizing (my key word!) and her best advice for eating a plant-powered diet on a budget
  • How a foodie gets frustrated with food and forgets meals just like any other entrepreneur (and how she prevents hitting her hungry point)
  • Breaking the “rules” including her morning routine that goes against all the common advice and sometimes eating her major meal at midnight
  • How she deals with the constant criticism that comes with being a vegan YouTuber
  • What she eats on a whole foods vegan diet and her go-to meal that feeds her hustle during work days
  • The gift of creating your own schedule and how to use that freedom (plus taking time to relax)

Mentioned in this episode:

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As an Architect turned Plant Scientist turned Healthy Living Strategist, I help female entrepreneurs who don't want to choose health over hustle make healthy living part of their business plan.    


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#21 Location Independence: 5 Healthy Habits


#19 My TEDx Talk "How Food Fuels Hustle" is Live!