#90 Create a Marketing Plan that Feels Good with Brit Kolo

I just got back from a week-long solo road trip to the Bay Area. The itinerary: a brand photo shoot, a three day speaker training, and a VIP Strategy Day with my own coach.

It was a dance between support from mentors and allowing space for pops of inspiration and integration.

A lot of time with just me and the open road. And I got major downloads.I was able to put words to a part of myself calling to be expressed.And spurred on by a craving for “people to play with,” I birthed a new 5-day challenge and committed to running my group program for the first time in over a year. (Stay tuned for more on both of those!)These are the ways I stay tapped into what feels good to me in my own marketing.

But if you’re anything like the many heart-centered coaches I work with, you might feel slightly queasy about the word “marketing”.

That’s why today I’m talking to my friend Brit Kolo of the Marketing in Yoga Pants Podcast about how to get your message out there once you’ve gotten clarity on it.And how to do it your way so it feels good AND works.


  • Ready to be so clear on what you do and it’s value that talking about it feels easy, exciting, and impactful? Exciting news! If you want to build the marketing and messaging foundation that lets you attract clients instead of constantly chasing them, I’m taking a select handful of women through my group program Get Clear, Get Clients in October. Let’s chat about whether it’s right for you.
  • I have one spot in August for a 1-1 Message Clarity VIP Day. This is for you if you’re ready to uncover the next evolution of your message as you pivot your business or step into using your voice to change lives.

Listen in and you’ll learn:

  • How to figure out the right marketing strategy for your specific personality type.
  • Why feeling isolated living in small town Pennsylvania was the catalyst to creating her podcast.
  • The biggest mistake people make when pitching her to come on her podcast.
  • How she took one aligned action after another that led to flow and natural evolution.

Links from the Episode


Hi! I'M ADRIA DECORTE, M.S., Clarity Coach

Drawing on my experience as a TEDx speaker and my architecture background, I help women coaches uncover the next evolution of their brand message so they can use their voice and share their truth to change lives.


Sign up here to get access to the FREE Message Clarity Kit: a 5-step roadmap to uncover your true message.


#91 How I Call in Clients While I’m On Vacation


#89 Ace Your TEDx Talk Audition with TEDx Organizer Jess Tomlinson