#43 Be Seen for Your Authentic Brilliance (on Video) with Casey Erin Wood

Crazy thing is that showing up as you are takes the perfectionism out of putting yourself out there and removes the “push push push” from your hustle.

Casey Erin Wood, my guest today on the Feed Your Hustle Podcast, does what she calls the “dance of visibility” as an introvert who needs to get her work out into the world. As part of the "get seen to hustle smart" series I'm doing leading up to my 5-day #ClarityChallenge, we jam on why visibility is the motor that makes your business run.As you may have noticed, I'm shifting into my new role as a Clarity & Visibility Coach and stepping away from helping with healthy habits and self-care (though I still use those tools to makes sure my clients don't burnout).


  • The 5-day #ClarityChallenge starts August 22nd! Sign up now.

In today's episode, you'll learn:

  • The feminine practices (like pleasure breaks!) she adopted in her workweek coming from complete burnout in the masculine film industry
  • How she maps out her year based on her own rhythms and cycles of productivity - so key!
  • Her best advice for taking the perfectionism out of connecting through video - the same tips I used in her challenge to Just Hit Record!
  • The first steps to take to let your authentic brilliance be seen through video (even if you’re a perfectionist, introvert, or simply scared to put yourself out there)

Links from this episode:

Warmth and joy,Adria first name  

Adria at deskHi!  I'M ADRIA DECORTE, M.S., Clarity & Visibility Strategist

Drawing on my design and strategist background in architecture and as an ecologist, I help female entrepreneurs hone their personal brand message, clearly communicate it, and get known for it.... So they can position themselves as the go-to woman in their field and pull in ideal clients and opportunities. 


Sign up here to join the FREE 5-day #ClarityChallenge August 22nd, 2016. (YOU'LL LOVE IT.)


#44 Are You Really Stuck or Is it Fear of Being Seen? with Marcie Mauro


#42 Productivity & Business-Life Balance with Lianne Soller