#47 The 5 Messaging Mistakes that Keep You from Converting Clients

I see it all the time. You feel like you're blending in with the 398 other health coaches or 44 other VAs in your field, and you desperately want to stand out. You sense something’s off with your brand and message.

But you can't quite put your finger on what makes successful biz owners so unforgettable.

Today I’m sharing the 5 mistakes I see entrepreneurs make with their messaging that keep them from drawing potential clients in and converting them. And what shifts you can make to prevent yourself from falling into these traps.


Are you signed up for my #ClarityChallenge yet? It starts on January 30th! (And if you went through the last round, it's time for a clarity reset!)

The #ClarityChallenge is a FREE guided 5-day experience to uncover what makes YOU stand out from the crowd so you can start pulling ideal clients and opportunities towards you.And it all happens in our private Facebook group for positive community energy where you can explore communicating what sets you apart in a safe, supportive space.Click here to join us, and I’ll send you what you need to get started with us! 

Episode Synopsis:

  1. Don’t want to pigeonhole yourself so try to speak to everyone
  2. Worry about being judged so don’t take a stance
  3. Think you're not good enough to claim your expertise
  4. Keep it so broad and generic that it’s not compelling
  5. Forget to speak to the “before” version of your ideal client or customer

Which mistake(s) are you making?

Share below. Then listen to the full episode to find out what to do about it.Warmth,Adria first name  

P.S. The 5-day #ClarityChallenge is coming January 30th! Come join us – wa-hoo!!



Adria at deskHi!  I'M ADRIA DECORTE, M.S., Clarity Coach

Drawing on my design and strategist background in architecture and as an ecologist, I help female coaches, creatives, and biz owners uncover what sets them apart, get clear on their value, and find the words to eliminate competition and convert ideal clients


Sign up here to discover the compelling way to talk about what you *really* do to eliminate competition and convert clients.


#48 Communicate What You *Really* Do with Chrissie Wywrot


#46 Find the Idea You Want to Be Known For with Alexia Vernon