for AuDHDers

Align your life to your neurotype

We’ll determine what you need, what helps or hurts, design a lifestyle that would best support those needs and create an environment that stacks the deck in your favor.  

As AuDHDers…

We override what our bodies or intuition are telling us, putting more stake in what society or the people around us say because we’ve been told our needs are wrong so often.

We consistently push past our actual capacity (everyone else seems to be fine doing 5 things a day so I must just not have found the right system / strategy / mindset yet).

We alternate between boom & bust cycles where our ADHD side drives the ship, moving fast doing-all-the-things…until we burn out and our Autistic side needs weeks (or months) of recovery.

The problem is we’re holding our brains and ourselves to unrealistic expectations.

We’re trying over and over to do things in ways that don’t actually work for our brains. (And when we fail, we’re told to just try harder.)

We’re bumping up against impossible rules that weren’t made for us.

We’re stumbling our way along society’s laid out life path.

We’re making backwards decisions for our lives based on what we see working for others.

What if we did life differently, in ways that might seem strange to others but that leave us feeling resourced and alive with hope and excitement?

What if we started advocating for ourselves with loved ones and at work — asking for (and receiving) accommodations & understanding?

What if we found places and people to safely unmask with, recovering a treasure trove of energy and shoring up what we didn’t realize were major drains to our capacity?

What if we knew & honored our capacity & actual needs, allowing us to finally experience a healthy balance in life, possibly for the first time ever?

That’s what it means to design your ecosystem for your neurotype.

AuDHD Ecosystem Design & Restoration

12 months.

Coaching sessions + voxer support.


Only 5 spots.

Got a question? Feel free to reach out! :)

“Adria gets my introvert nature and understands sensitive humans.

Adria encouraged me to be my authentic self and created a safe space to push myself with her loving and compassionate guidance.

I see my sensitivity and empath nature as a superpower rather than a weakness.”

Kat Frogosa, ADHD Money Coach

This journey might look like…..

  • Uncovering your sensory profile. Where are your hypersensitivities, hyposensitivities? Do you tend to be sensory seeking or more sensory avoiding? Hypersensitivities to smell, sound, sight or temperature can create major overwhelm, exhaustion and meltdowns.

  • Adjusting your home environment and having conversations with those you live with to renegotiate things that affect those sensory sensitivities.

  • Accepting that you’re in burnout & restructuring your life to support recovery. Some things will likely need to shift to relieve pressure and allow yourself space to rest.

  • Rethinking and re-examining your relationships, which might mean giving you a f-ton of energy back, feeling more at ease than you thought was possible or ending ones that aren’t healthy.

What We’ll Do Together:

step 1

Survey Your Existing Ecosystem

First, we’ll land together. We’ll start with a Kickoff Call and some data collection: what’s your life look like right now + what are your Sensory Profile and existing supports?

We’ll investigate your lifestyle — what does a typical day and week look like? 

  • Your needs — What are your real needs, not just the ones you’ve been told you’re allowed to have? 

  • The choke points — where things are just not working, even if you’ve told yourself you just need to try harder or give it time or…?

  • What are your strengths, what are your challenges - and what can you NOT change?

  • Assessments: Sensory Profile, Burnout Risk/Level, Support Needs, Existing Support, Living Situation, Responsibilities

step 2

Map Your Healthy Ecosystem

Then we’ll create an ND Ecosystem Map: what would a healthy environment look like for you?

  • Living Situation - adjustments, accommodations or overhauls to meet sensory needs

  • Relationships - hard conversations, who do you feel safe unmasking with, who’s draining, what do you need them to know so you feel at ease, what do you need them to do to support your needs

  • Work - accommodations, new/shifting roles, playing to your strengths, not trying to change the unchangeable

  • Build out your Support Network - ND friends & communities,

And we’ll map out a loose Restoration Plan that can evolve as we go (e.g. steps to take to move towards your ideal ecosystem).

step 3

Ecosystem Restoration

Next, you’ll live your life, but with me as your scaffolding. Our goal is slow, sustainable shifts. You’ll have my support to make those shifts so you’re not alone in this

This is challenging work and you’ll come up against pushback — so having someone in your corner is major!

While I’m not a magician (you’ll still be AuDHD), you’d be surprised at the effect small shifts over time can make in your life. 

Hi, I’m Adria Sophia

(she/her), Autistic ADHDer, AuDHD Coach & host of the Quiet Messenger and AuDHD (mostly) Unscripted Podcasts.

My clients need things to shift. And they need help to make that shift.…

They need a coach who is also Autistic + ADHD and has walked the path before them, who understands without them having to educate their coach or be unintentionally gaslit.

They need someone who doesn’t underestimate them, who doesn’t take them back to square one, who recognizes the experience they have, and takes it from there.

They need a partner to hold them and to help figure out where they are going, to be a sounding board, talking through what they’re doing and co-creating a plan together.

Sound familiar?

That’s where I come in. 

I’ve spent over a decade helping hundreds of people design their life, work & leadership to support their unique brains & needs.

I help AuDHDers identify what they actually need (not what they’ve been told they should need — or not need) and create an environment and lifestyle that supports those needs so they can unmask, get out of the burnout cycle and live a life as a healthy neurodivergent person, not an exhausted wannabe neurotypical.

The Structure

  • Kickoff Call — We’ll land together on a 60-minute call designed to lay a cozy foundation for our work together.

  • Your North Star — We’ll put into writing where you are and where we’re going in an evolving google document you can access anytime as your North Star.

    • State of the Union (What’s your sensory profile, What existing supports do you have?)

    • ND Ecosystem Map (What would a healthy environment look like?)

    • Restoration Plan (Steps to take to move in that direction & implement)

  • Three Quarterly Coaching Calls — Every three months we will jump on a 60 minute call together to realign our vision and ground into how far we’ve come & where we’re going.

  • Weekly Email & Voxer Support — Voxer is a messaging app (voice notes + written notes) that offers us the depth of a 1:1 call with the flexibility of asynchronous messaging, something I’ve found can be incredibly supportive for AuDHD brains, giving us space to process and allowing us to move with our energy.

  • Weekly Check-Ins — I’ll regularly reach out via Voxer to check-in, remind you that you’re not alone in your journey, and dive deep into however I can be of support to you that week.

AuDHD Ecosystem Design & Restoration

12 months.

Coaching sessions + voxer support.


Only 5 spots.

Got a question? Feel free to reach out! :)

Why a year?

As Autistic ADHDers, we’re used to never being allowed to go at our own pace, having to speed up or slow down to fit the world around us.

We need processing time. Integration time is important. So yes, we’re going to change things. And we have the whole year for that. 

We’re not trying to be fast and furious here. The reason I designed this as a whole year is that you’ve probably tried to do this before but didn’t have the right supports or went too fast.

That slowness can be really supportive for our neurotype.

What would it feel like to know you have someone in your corner for a whole year

How would it feel in your nervous system to know you’ve got that support as you’re making changes?

Ready to align your life to your neurotype?