#24 Alex Beadon - Eating to Power a Launch & Business Minimalism

Today I chat with Alex Beadon about how she discovered ease in the kitchen that led to steady energy and positivity in her workdays (so proud to have had a hand in that!), how she’s finding a balance between going all out with self care and being okay with doing “less” than she thinks she “should”, and the relaxation she finds through removing items from her entrepreneurial plate and prioritizing ONE thing at a time.Alex is a marketing and blogging expert who helps inspire people to turn their passions into a full-time living. She believes in the power of doing what you love with your life, and teaches people how to do business in a loving and fulfilling way. She's been named as a "Blogger to Watch" by ProBlogger.com, and has a YouTube channel with more than 800,000 views.

"Think of how much time you could spend on what really matters if you got rid of all of the excess." - Alex Beadon

In today's episode, you'll learn:

  • What diet shift she made during an intense launch that changed her life forever and keeps her from crashing
  • How she brings vibrant energy to all her videos (hint: it’s not what I expected!)
  • The philosophy that takes her from wanting to do everything and grounds her energy
  • Her best advice for staying positive no matter what your business throws at you
  • The morning ritual idea that I (someone who can’t stand routine and who never seems to keep a morning ritual) am implementing immediately

Need Help Feeding Your Hustle?

Mentioned in this episode:

How are you practicing essentialism and maintaining your energy and positivity this week? Share with me in the comments below!

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As an Architect turned Plant Scientist turned Healthy Living Strategist, I help female entrepreneurs who don't want to choose health over hustle make healthy living part of their business plan.    


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#25 Val Geisler - Banishing Overwhelm, Anxiety & Restriction


#23 Run Live Workshops without Overwhelm with Alexia Vernon